“We should all start texting each other like old timey explorers. ‘Dearest friend, I have survived another week, the horrors persist.’”
“We should all start texting each other like old timey explorers. ‘Dearest friend, I have survived another week, the horrors persist.’”
"Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can." -William Feather
A few great book quotes. Got any favorites of your own?
"I stood toe-to-toe with the worst of the three and told him what I thought of him, his pals, his planet and I possibly made some passing reference to his questionable parentage." Picard- Samaritan Snare, Stardate: 42779.1 #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #IDIC #Quote
The true and legitimate meaning of the word treason, then, necessarily implies treachery, deceit, breach of faith. Without these, there can be no treason.
-- Lysander Spooner
BENEDICK: She speaks poniards, and every word stabs.
— Much Ado about Nothing, II, i
There are no fair elections in America, certainly when the questions of race and political power are evident.
-- Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin
Wars have always affected civilians in varying degrees, depending on scale and outcome. But a modern system of all-encompassing conflict, with almost inescapable effect across all sectors of society, is something that largely originated from the French Revolution.
The Revolution, at its time, was a unique combination of a government that demanded service from its own citizens, and the citizens themselves enthusiastically joining the war effort.
“But why not eat?”
“Because the faculties become refined when you starve them. Why, surely, as a doctor, my dear Watson, you must admit that what your digestion gains in the way of blood supply is so much lost to the brain. I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix. Therefore, it is the brain I must consider.”
— Watson and Holmes, in “The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone”
Often, the fear of one evil leads us into a worse one.
Souvent, la peur d’un mal nous entraîne dans un mal pire
Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
French Poet and Critic
Courtesy, The Economist
Moin! ️
Lustig. Je weniger ein Mensch im Kopf hat, desto mehr davon schafft den Weg durch den Mund nach draußen.
Deshalb schreibe ich hier.
"This, my dear, is the greatest challenge of being alive; To witness the injustice of this world, and not allow it to consume our light."
The fact is that camels are far more intelligent than dolphins. They are so much brighter that they soon realised that the most prudent thing any intelligent animal can do, if it would prefer its descendants not to spend a lot of time on a slab with electrodes clamped to their brains or sticking mines on the bottom of ships or being patronised rigid by zoologists, is to make bloody certain humans don’t find out about it.
Be sure to take the lens cap off before photographing - Elliott Erwitt
#photography #quote
We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves.
-- Banksy
"The will to be stupid is a very powerful force, but there are always alternatives." - Lois McMaster Bujold #quote
We readily inquire, “Does he know Greek or Latin?” “Can he write poetry and prose?” But what matters most is what we put last: “Has he become better and wiser?” We ought to find out not who understands most but who understands best. We work merely to fill the memory, leaving the understanding and the sense of right and wrong empty.
[Nous enquerons volontiers, Sçait-il du Grec ou du Latin ? escrit-il en vers ou en prose ? mais, s’il est devenu meilleur ou plus advisé, c’estoit le principal, & c’est ce qui demeure derriere. Il falloit s’enquerir qui est mieux sçavant, non qui est plus sçavant. Nous ne travaillons qu’à remplir la memoire, & laissons l’entendement & la conscience vuide.]
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) French essayist
Essay (yyyy), “Of Pedantry[Du pedantisme] (1572-1578), Essays, Book 1, ch. 24 (1.24) (1595) [tr. Screech (1987), ch. 25]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations: wist.info/montaigne-michel-de/…
The philosophy of anarchism is included in the word "Liberty"; yet it is comprehensive enough to include all things else that are conducive to progress.
-- Lucy Parsons
"I know you feel betrayed."
"Yes, well, that's one of the unpleasant side effects of betrayal." #quote
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed
Bantu Stephen Biko
Steve Biko
'Diogenes received an invitation to dine with one whose house was splendidly furnished, in the highest order and taste, and nothing therein wanting. Diogenes, hawking, and as if about to spit, looked in all directions, and finding nothing adapted thereto, spat right in the face of the master. He, indignant, asked why he did so?
"Because," Diogenes, "I saw nothing so dirty and filthy in all your house. For the walls were covered with pictures..."
— Galen