Open Humanities Press is pleased to announce the #openaccess publication of The Rubble of Culture: Debris of an Extinct Thought by David A. Collings:
'Humanity now faces the possibility it will become extinct over the next few decades or so. This raises the prospect of thought’s own #extinction. But what does it mean for thought that it, too, might disappear?
No familiar practice rests on a secure ground; under the prospect of humanity’s extinction, each one is shattered. The cultural legacy becomes a field of rubble.
This book moves through this field to reconsider the emergence of #capitalism and #biopower the science of #climate change, and philosophies of #temporality
In the process it contends with many innovative waves of thought from the past two centuries, from German #idealism to #deconstruction, from #psychoanalysis to #queertheory, from #decolonizing theory to #afropessimism, and from the critique of #ideology to speculative realism.'