The movie they made was glossy, superficial, melodramatic, and not at all what I wrote. It was poorly received and didn’t open any of the glitzy doors the director alluded to when she dangled a check in my face.

The movie they made was glossy, superficial, melodramatic, and not at all what I wrote. It was poorly received and didn’t open any of the glitzy doors the director alluded to when she dangled a check in my face.
Remember The Lion King? It turns out the sound of lions growling were not lions at all, but instead it was voice actor Frank Welker growling into a metal trash can.
I take great comfort from the story of Caligula's tortured making.
To me, Caligula is proof that however badly I ever fuck up, somebody else fucked up far worse than I ever could.
#movies #moviemaking #podcast #podcasts #Caligula #filmmaking #films #behindthescenes #badmovies #cinema
This ad to commemorate the connection between the Sōtetsu and Tōkyū rail lines is simply bonkers. Watch the movie below, then watch the making-of movie in the following post.
I’m nearly finished with the #timeTravel #movieMaking #scifi novel (it’s good!), so am looking ahead to my reads for early June 2023. Most are already underway. 1/ reread #LittleDorrit by #CharlesDickens; 2/ continue #PatrickTroughton biography; 3/ continue family tale of two #Tolkien brothers; 4/ continue #LutherArkwright #graphicNovel reread; 5/ read a #railways #travel book; & 6/ continue reading the #largePrint #FallOfNumenor book. #reading #books #bookstodon #fiction #nonFiction #novels
Playtime (1967)
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
Wes Anderson’s inspired cinema definitely stands on its own, but it also relates to the Hulot universe ànd Tati’s movie language. Especially the director himself talked about Tati’s cinema on several occasions.
Anderson on Tati: “He has a silhouette that you can make into a cartoon; just his walk is a great creation.”
Just finished reading „Rebel Whithout A Crew“ by Robert Rodriguez. Funny, insightful, inspiring and incredibly entertaining. Makes you want to go out and shoot a movie. Highly recommended!!
Want to know how to break into show biz? Know where all the bodies are buried.
#movies #podcast #horror #horrormovies #horrorcommunity #tv #moviemaking