Excited that my story “Under the Skin” will be part of this impressive lineup for YOU HUMAN: Vol.2!
I got 800 words down yesterday, which was enough to start redlining!
Okay, I need some advice - this is for a previous novel project I've abandoned because I accidentally arrived at a deeply problematic conclusion - "the abuser can change if you love them enough to forgive them".
The main character is a teenage girl fighting her way out of her school which has been surrounded by a thick dog and she's being chased by a Black Shuck (demonic dog from British mythology). The dog, it turns out, is a manifestation of deep resentment from an older sister to the younger one that they're forced to take guardianship of.
#writingadvice #plotproblem #writing #HorrorWriters
#Horror Lovers! The moment draws near!
Tomorrow, (this Tuesday!) at 9:00 pm, come out to #BarRedux in #NewOrleans to hear 13 original #tales of #terror, including one by yours truly!
This month's theme is "Twelfth Night of Terror." I'll be reading my latest macabre musing, Carnival Carol, where-in a terrible tourist has a most grisly Gras! See you there!
This lineup has some BRAAAAIIIINS!
Share the beans outta this, and get your Zoom-bie mode *on* for October 15th!
(and make sure to check your voter registration in the meanwhile, some deadlines are coming up in the next few days! vote.org)
"The software I trained to like me hates the book I wrote"?
hahaha, maybe this should have been the plot of his book rather than whatever the hell he actually wrote
Attention Indigenous horror authors of North America. Never Whistle At Night Part II is looking for stories and pays well. https://neverwhistleatnight.moksha.io/publication/1 @indigenousauthors #HorrorWriters #HorrorAuthors #WritingCommunity #IndigenousAuthors
A horror writer and enthusiast said something so nice about a reprint of a story I posted to Medium: That it is one of the best she's read on the platform. These little boosts really help. Sometimes they come when you really need them.
In this latest edition of her regular column for the British Fantasy Society, Tiffani Angus—co-author of Spec Fic for Newbies (including the soon-to-be-released Volume 2!)—looks at that most summer blockbustery of tropes: the creature that turns on humanity.
I'm writing about weird ghosts right now, anyone else got weird ghosts in their stories? I like really weird ghosts in fantasy and horror.
I sent my most recent short story out. That's three out in the aether, and I'm praying to Fiffany at least one gets accepted. Here's a collage that served as inspiration for my latest short. #writingcommunity #horrorwriters
Updated guidelines for my new dark fiction journal on Medium. If you write dark fiction, consider publishing with A Dark Wood. Reprints accepted. Also, if you know of someone else you think may like to participate, please let them know. Thank you.
#writingcommunity #horrorwriters #darkfiction #flashfiction #weirdfiction #originalfairytale #fairytaleretold #originalfolktale #folkhorror #shortstory #Medium
This morning, I tried to whittle a 1200-word horror story down into 1,000 words for a flash fiction submission call, but after cutting and rewriting, it became 1500 words instead. I may throw in the towel on this one for now and let it be what it seems to want to be. I've been working on it for a long while and have recently amped it up with a more character-driven psychological component. I'm finding this requires the space to expand. #horrorwriters #horror #writingcommunity #writing
I'm working on a project on Medium, a dark fiction publication called A Dark Wood. Here is a link if you or another writer you know may be interested in participating. Medium membership would be a part of the consideration. Cheers. #writingcommunity #horrorwriters #darkfiction #flashfiction #weirdfiction #originalfairytale #fairytaleretold #originalfolktale #folkhorror #shortstory #Medium https://medium.com/a-dark-wood/a-dark-wood-welcome-8b6027bf32c1?source=friends_link&sk=9fcb296135f0db970dcc88edd11e789b
Very honored to have been interviewed for the Horror Writers Association Women In Horror Month Series: https://horror.org/women-in-horror-month-2024-an-interview-with-lori-r-lopez