Sick of all the fourteen year old girls running around with Merzbow shirts but not being able to name five of his songs?
Try some #HarshNoiseWall instead!
Sick of all the fourteen year old girls running around with Merzbow shirts but not being able to name five of his songs?
Try some #HarshNoiseWall instead!
Seriously: listen to this when you just want to kill unwanted thoughts or feelings
It works
Just imagine wearing this in public and some random person saying to you: "Name five songs by him!"
Imagine locking Nazis up into a church and setting it on fire - best of both worlds
I like this song (whether I like it or not)
Btw, it's okay for me to post this (my band has a #HarshNoise song titled "The day Asagraum aborted Absurd", pinned on profile)
#BlackMetal #Asagraum #Metal #Burzum #FckNZS #NSBM #Satire #Abortion #azugm
imagine a cat/pig hybrid ...
Kann Spuren enthalten von / may contain traces of:
Blackened #Doom
#HarshNoise #Ambient #Grindcore
Im Teigmantel / wrapped into dough
Sieht's der Allmächtige nicht / the almighty god won't see it
Ist's gut genug für ihn / if it's good enough for him
Ist's gut genug für mich / it's good enough for me
My Band azugm is also on #Bandcamp
"Muskete" can be considered a Death #Doom song about hunting a mysterious creature in the mountains
"Spiel' diese unheilige Musik, schwarzer Junge"
#Ambient and #DungeonSynth song about African #BlackMetal
"Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Brandmauer einzureissen"
#Grindcore and #HarshNoise song about the cold firewall between German conservative parties and the #Nazi party #AfD
Please follow @azugm on Mastodon and Bandcamp!
#DeathMetal #DoomMetal #Metal #Noise #NoAFD #FckAFD #CDU #FckCDU #CSU #FckCSU #DePol #FckNZS #Brandmauer #Rechtsruck
#legionofswine trots out on a small tour in the EU later this month - catch his racket at the following places......
My #HarshNoise audio collage about the #TrumpZelenskyy scandal on February 28, titled:
"Trumpolini (see you at the gas station)"
Audio sample from "The Godfather" / Robert De Niro saying "Vaffanculo" ("Fuck you" in Italian)
The gun firing sounds are those of an MAS 38 submachine gun (the gun Mussolini was killed with)
Preview image: Trump / Mussolini hybrid
More of my music and audio art: @azugm
I can't wait to build my own version of the popular Tin Tin #meme to release it next week
The difference: Tin Tin will have Vomir's head and will say "Captain, it's #HarshNoiseWallWednesday!"
I'm looking forward to using this as my lullaby soon
"nsv" by @azugm
During research for my #vasectomy I found out that 'NSV' is short for
- no scalpel vasectomy
- National Socialist Vanguard
and also the name of a Russian machine gun
needless to say that this screams for another psychotic #AudioCollage
So I mixed up the audio parts of
1) the trailer for the movie 'The Vasectomist'
2) the curb scene from 'American History X'
3) a random video of Russian soldiers with the NSV machine gun
you may have to listen to it several times with headphones to understand its brilliance
I'll see my dentist today and I'll record some nasty drilling noises and screams of pain to use them to build a #HarshNoise and/or #Ambient song later
Should be fun, at least the second part
"Circular Reference" by #Merzbow.
No better way to close a day than blasting out some #HarshNoise.
This is a new record from 2023. Pretty old school still, and the use of percussive elements was actually surprising. The cover reminended me of "SCSI Duck" 20 years back. Good shit!
@ekis Can you please write a few sentences what you think about my song? It would mean a lot to me!
#HarshNoise #DungeonSynth #Jazz #BlackMetal audio collage
"Katzenjammer (Auge um Auge)"
I recorded a blind cat's purring and added distortion (start: 0:13)
The disturbing noise from ca. 1:33 on is the pain of animals in captivity
#Haiku lyrics:
Wieder im Verlies (Back in the dungeon)
Dieser kalte Mutterschoß (This cold mother's womb)
Wird nicht mein Sarg sein (Won't be my casket)