Trio Sefardi plays an hour-long concert of Sephardic music at the Kennedy Center's #MillenniumStage. This genre of early music is an enjoyable mixture of Jewish and Spanish styles.
Trio Sefardi plays an hour-long concert of Sephardic music at the Kennedy Center's #MillenniumStage. This genre of early music is an enjoyable mixture of Jewish and Spanish styles.
Shot: "Chamish Hakunach gach!" and "Cheag Sameach" branches of the #UK and #Irish government wished #Jewish communities celebrating #Hanukkah."
Chaser: "The social media post was poorly received not only because it was seen as late for being published on the second day of Hanukkah, but also because the statement had come from the Foreign Ministry. Commentators questioned if the Irish government saw Irish #Jews as foreigners."
Last night I helped* the 11yo put together his Lego Batman Brickheadz, which was his final Hanukkah present. We sipped hot apple cider and listened to the Batman Begins movie soundtrack. A perfect end to my winter break.
*"Helped" in the loosest definition of the word. The 11yo lets me sort and find pieces for him while he does the assembly. Sadly (for me), we're years beyond the point where he actually requires my assistance.
Eighth and last night of #Hanukkah. #ChagSameach, y’all — and happy New Year too.
I will be tempted to keep tooting Chanukah photos for the near future
Pro tip: Don't use vegetable oil to make latkes
Made them with canola oil tonight and they turned out quite good, unlike the other night #Hanukkah
This year the last night of #Hanukkah falls on the first day of the Gregorian New Year.
Chag sameach and happy New Year!!
@hauntedhideaway Oooh look, you’ve started a trend! #Chanukah #Hanukkah
Happy final night of #Chanukah! Please enjoy our seasonal fire hazard!
Happy Chanukah! I got these socks as a gift and they are nice and cozy. Sprockles got the box as a gift and it is nice and cozy.
A #NewYearsEve #Hanukkah poem:
The seventh night of Hannukah
Fell on New Year’s, so I thought
I might have a few beers
But the wine looked so great
And after two glasses I am feeling no pain.
Happy #Chanukah and happy New Year y’all! #HappyNewYear #NewYear #NewYear2025 #Jewish
yo la tengo at bowery ballroom, #hanukkah night 7. #nyc
opening act: @SunRaUniverse
comedian: dave hill.
mix CDR by alan sparhawk.
post show DJ: todd-o-phonic todd.
benefitting & artists-athletes-activists