Sushanta Dey<p>Satan 1, Satanism, Philosophical aspects / thoughts<br><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>satanism</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>satan</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>esoteric</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>gnosis</span></a> </p><p>Satan (Hebrew שטן), opposer, or adversary.</p><p>Every principle and plane is the vehicle of the next superior one: thus the Throne of Satan (the earth) is said to be the Footstool of God.</p><p>Satan (from Hebrew שָּׂטָן Satan adversary, opposer from the verbal root śāṭan to lie in wait, oppose, be an adversary; or possibly from the verbal root shut to whip, scourge, run hither and thither on errands; Greek Satan, Satanas). Adversary; with the definite article (has-satan) the adversary in the Christian sense, as the Devil.</p><p>This Satan of the exoteric Jewish and Christian books is a mere figment of the monkish theological imagination. From the second possible derivation many eminent Shemitic scholars have held that the Satan of the Book of Job was a good angel arranged by God to try the characters of men in order to help them; and therefore supposedly to be different from the Satan of other books of the Bible.</p><p>The theosophist would not limit the good angel to the Book of Job alone, but would look upon the adversative or contrary forces of nature as being the means upon which each one tries his will, resolution, and determination to evolve and grow spiritually and intellectually. The Satan of this hypothesis is in a sense our own lower character combined with the lower forces of nature surrounding earth and elsewhere.</p><p>In Christianity, the saving of individual souls from supposed damnation, usually by faith in the atonement. In Theosophy, as concerns the individual, salvation is achieved by victory of his divine self over the illusions created by the contact of the intermediate nature with the lower planes.</p><p>In this sense the serpent of Eden, Satan, is man’s savior, as are Prometheus, Lucifer, etc. Mankind as a whole is saved by those Manasaputras who descended into intellectually senseless mankind of the third root-race and who, by thus enlightening the minds of early humanity, became the elect custodians of the mysteries revealed to mankind by its divine teachers.</p><p>The divine aspect of Ahriman (the personification of evil in the Zoroastrian system) before he “became a dark opposing power, a Satan. For Ahriman is of the same essence with Ahura-Mazda, just as Typhon-Seth is of the same essence with Osiris.”</p><p>“Apap is called ‘the devourer of the Souls,’ and truly, since Apap symbolizes the animal body, as matter left soulless and to itself. Osiris, being, like all the other Solar gods, a type of the Higher Ego (Christos), Horus (his son) is the lower Manas or the personal Ego. On many a monument one can see Horus, helped by a number of dog-headed gods armed with crosses and spears, killing Apap.”<br>― Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - Collective Writings</p>