Anoche nos entrevistaron a @chaoticseijo y a mí en RolTV sobre #Isphanya, y estuvimos hablando de muchas muchas cosas muy interesantes :D
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Ahora a las 21:00 vamos a estar en Rol TV hablando en directo sobre #Isphanya.
¡Pasaos a escuchar!
Hoy nuestro compañero @chaoticseijo ha subido un vídeo en su canal donde se detiene a explicar la nueva forma que tiene #Isphanya de dar vida a los personajes de la partida y lo adereza con algunas anécdotas de las partidas con los jugadores beta-testers.
¡Echadle un ojo, que está muy bien!
Retired a #DND character based on Boneripper & Thanquol. Now going to be running Theobaldius Wolfgangus a bookish Gnome Wizard who’s sick of people telling him he’s *just* a wizard - and is swinging a big old sword about. Yes. I saw this mini and instantly decided I was playing it in DND.
It’s given me a good excuse to go reading the last issue of #Warpstone to look for some Gnomish inspiration.
#WHFRP #TheOldWorld #Miniatures #5e #DND5e @nerdlings #Nerdlings #WarhammerCommunity
Hoy toca hablar de ARRRMAS
Como DM que ama las partes narrativas de los juegos de rol, en #Isphanya me suelo recrear mucho con el rollito costumbrista y los paisajes bucólicos. Peeero eso no quita que nuestros héroes isphánicos vayan a verse, más tarde o más temprano, en la necesidad de pelear. Y en Isphanya, las armas cuentas historias.
Folklore read live!
Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?
Find out LIVE right NOW:
Hey fellow #ttrpg #pf2e #dnd5e etc DMs-
If you are tired of sifting through AI garbage slop to find NPC portraits for your homebrew, I am open for regular bust color sketch commissions, both at a discount rate as a monthly membership on my ko-fi, and as one off sets or longer, more regular series!
I work with two GMs who have regular monthly slots on my ko-fi, and also a 3rd who has commissioned a series of 7 different portraits over a few months! Consider supporting artists to draw your NPCs directly, when you can!
Por supuesto, los linces no podían faltar en esta nuestra tierra~
¿Aún no conoces #Isphanya?
¡Echa un vistazo a la web para saber más!
Let mysterious things be mysterious. Not everything needs explanation. Let your villain's ancient tech be ancient. Did your characters interact with it? Give them a glimpse of something greater - but just a glimpse, just the leading edge of it.
Weird shit can be weird. Needs to be weird. Weird is the fun of it.
@juergen_hubert Will it be the latest revision of the rules from 2024, or the older set? I have not played with the recent changes #dnd5e
@kaisla To be honest, I don't think that running a sandbox game with D&D is particularly difficult. I mean, I do have some long-term plot ideas, but much of the planning is between sessions, and I usually ask the players: "What do you want to do next?" at the end of each session.
#DnD5E _does_ have the advantage of having massive numbers of ready-made enemy stat blocks I can use for combat encounters, and these are easy to run.
(Except for NPC spellcasters. D&DD 4E did _those_ better...)
My gaming group clearly voted for #DnD5e for our current campaign. While I don't _mind_ running it, I really hope I get a chance to run #Pathfinder2E one day...
Posted some new outfit previews for our Halfling Rogue on the Patreon! Featuring the pose y'all chose :)