Man with a Movie Camera
is an pioneering #motionpicture about life in post #revolution #Russia, directed by Dziga Vertov.
The movie is legendary for the wide range of #cinematic techniques invented, employed or developed by #DzigaVertov, such as #multiexposure, #fastmotion, #slowmotion, #freezeframe, #matchcuts, #jumpcuts, #splitscreen, #dutchangles, extreme #closeups, #trackingshots, #reversedfootage, #stopmotion animations and self-reflexive visuals.
The outstanding #film #documentary premiered in #cinemas 1929. The oldest #YouTube version dates back to 2012, but this one is better orchestrated
Without actors, regular citizens are shown at work and play, interacting with the machinery of modern life. Characters of the #experimental #silentfilm are #cameramen, #filmeditor, and the modern #SovietUnion in its 1920s.
#WatchThisFilm review
#ManWithaMovieCamera had a big impact on the #Qatsi_trilogy since Godfrey Reggio was at least inspired. Obviously, our #vector #graphic #design is made with #Inkscape and much more colorful, but inspired as well.