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When Francine Langstrom transforms into She-bat, in this children's cartoon from the '90s, and her blouse rips open and she's got her bat-nips clearly visible, I guess the censors were like "Nagh, she's not technically human, so I guess we can let that slide". #batman

Today's Prince album of the day is "Batman". Yeah, it's not his absolute best work, but it's also (I feel) a little unfairly maligned. There's some great tracks here, and it didn't deserve its fate in Shaun of the Dead either.

Batman - Das Making of der Dark Knight Trilogie

Ich möchte gerne dieses Making Of Buch über die Dark Knight Trilogie verkaufen.

Ich besitze es schon seit einigen Jahren, habe es aber bisher nie aufgeschlagen. Bis auf ein paar Knicke am unteren Rand des Falteinbandes sieht das Buch also aus wie neu.

Das Buch ist komplett in deutsch mit zahlreichen Bildern.

Preis: 20 € :: undefined

Picked up some #books and #comics from a local auction the other night.
Kind of interesting selection, but I was mostly wanting "The Hynek UFO Report", So I ended up spending a bit more then I probably should have - but I still got a good deal if the Amazon price is anything to go by.

Books - Flying Saucers From Outer Space, Crawl-Space, The Flying Eyes and The Hynek UFO Report.
And 5 #Batman Comics