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Continued thread

#EngenderedWriting 45: Characters who ignore gender roles, the reader may not know. Have you written any?

My characters are, thus far, not especially marked as queer or straight. It's not relevant to the story. One of them, in my mind, is bi. He revealed it (to me as much as anyone else) in a scene that I wrote but didn't make the cut. It's still true, though, as far as I'm concerned.

Continued thread

#WritersCoffeeClub Dec 14: Is it okay for a book to be purely entertainment, or must it have meaning?

It would be fine, but it's not *possible*. Everything, even the fluffiest fluff, has "meaning" in the sense that it has ~implications~. For example, the sitcom FRIENDS heavily implies that there are not Black people in New York. The MCU implies that six out of seven children born are men.

There's no such thing as "escapism." We bring reality with us.

I'm changing writing gears a lot today. I rewrote the dialogue of one of the angels in my novel The Everwhen. Now the angel speaks like a drag queen, which makes more sense in context, and also makes their interactions with other characters much more fun to read.

I also provided critiques for another author's historical novel set in Old Testament times).

Next, I'm revising a short story to turn the volume way up on both horror and the erotic. This is to fulfill the request of an editor who wants a revision for their anthology.

I hope I can make it work.

But now I'm cooking supper.
#AmWriting #WritingLife

So concludes another news cycle
of contentious controversy

Dire stories contrived
and slathered in hyperbole
to keep viewers engaged
in a state of perpetual outrage
because marketing studies
show conclusively
that consumers riled emotionally
buy more products

And now back to the post game show

After the standard sanctimonious
moral outrage
expressed by cultural icons
and social media influencers
from the safety of their positions
they soaked up the glorious applause
of their thought delegating minions
then resumed their slanted opinions
which makes these event spinners
so beloved by their ignorant audience

I am not
nor ever will be
an oblivious neanderthal man

Not interested in being a punchline
of male bashing comedy

The butt of modern day dumb blond jokes

You may say my gender has this coming

Payback for centuries of misogyny
but this kind of lame humor is lazy
and diminishes you