Mid-Week Lashunta Inspiration
Artist: Albert Joseph Moore, 1886
A Damaya Matron at slumbertide?
Mid-Week Lashunta Inspiration
Artist: Albert Joseph Moore, 1886
A Damaya Matron at slumbertide?
The Alternative
A review of the Player Core for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Second Edition Remaster published by Paizo, Inc.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #Pathfinder
#ttrpg #ttrpgs
Castrovel Lashunta Worldbuilding - Thoughts on Part 3: Chapter 54 - Lashunta Mental Illness & the Dark Side of Matriarchy
Guess What Day It Is?
Castrovel Woodsy Wednesday!
Artist Guiseppe Camino
As a teaser for this Saturday, here's a snippet from Chapter 56, in which Lady Vaeol finally confronts Demante, her chief competitor for the Motorae Games swordbill-trial...
Folklore read live!
Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?
Find out LIVE right NOW: https://youtube.com/live/53qrNf4f9ZE
Okay, #ttrpg folks, let's say I'm interested in trying a fantasy game other than #dnd.
After literal YEARS of being hounded to "just try it," I'm breaking down and putting the question out there myself:
What do you like (or dislike) about #Pathfinder? It can be #Pathfinder2e, or 1e, or whatever.
Just... please don't make me regret asking.
Lashunta History: The Age of Sage Queens, Part 2
When playing a #TTRPG, I love it when the dice tell a story.
Sunday, during our #Pathfinder game, the party espied a demon in an adjoining room, lurking in the dark. The language for the module said that the first thing the demon would do was to cast a spell to summon another to the temple, so I said it was starting to cast a spell.
Immediately, the cleric said she wanted to try and cancel the spell. The player flipped through her spell list and the core book, trying to figure out how to stop the demon. I decided to have an initiative roll-off to see if the creature could get the spell off before the cleric could stop it.
The player won the initiative roll by 1. 19 vs 20. The players were stoked, to say the least.
Then she had to roll against the spell going off, which was no guarantee. I think she needed a 14 or better and she rolled an 18, I think.
The cleric had just stopped the summoning of another huge demon. I believe they killed it in a round and a half. It was epic. I was thrilled for them. They had a good strategy and great luck. I live for those moments in game.
'Wing-it' sketch for Zal of her Proot as she appears in her current Pathfinder campaign. ^ω^
Monday Night Qabarat Inspiration
Artist; Michele Marieschi (1710–1743)
Some scenes from around the city's harbor lake, possibly across from Ship's End.
As a teaser for next Saturday, here is an exchange in Lashunta. Feel free to speculate on the context...
Uthara relesya-shyalis,~ - “You honor your children.”
~Shyae relesya saolya,~ - “Give me your blade’s honor.”
Add dark flavour to your #OSE, #Pathfinder, and #5e games. Horror and macabre adventure generation, pocket filler, and more in Grim Accoutrements.
If you don't have the money to spend on WotC products, but still want to provide quality content for your players, "Dragon" and "Dungeon" magazine are freely available online (around 550 issues).
The adventures, classes, spells, races etc are from older D&D editions. But if you're a halfway decent DM, you should be able to adapt the contents into 5e (or whatever other system you're using) with little effort. They should last you multiple lifetimes.
Me he iluminado y quiero hablar de una cosa de los juegos de fantasía estilo #dnd y #pathfinder.
Me gusta mucho jugar a esos juegos pero tengo un problema con ellos, y es que son básicamente un murderer simulator.
#Pathfinder2e #AbominationVaults Session 72 - After a week of introspection while their fighter recovers after being raised from the dead, the party heads back down into the vaults to face a deadly Dread Wraith…
#5e #dnd #pathfinder #ttrpg #adventure #DM #GM #Paizo
Lashunta Inspirational Pic of the Week
Artist: Gabriel Yeganyan (artst), a detail
When we talk about trans-dimensional portals, worldgates, or the Elven aiudara, everyone assumes they're arches, but are they?
Of the known elfgates scattered over Castrovel (and Golarion), how many are workable, and how many have fallen into disrepair? How many have been forgotten?
In my homebrew history of Castrovel, during the Formian Conquest of the Colonies, the Lashunta and Elves destroyed that continent's elfgates, lest they fall into enemy hands. Or did they?
Tomorrow, we're starting module 5 of 6 of my #Pathfinder #RiseOfTheRunelords campaign. I never imagined I'd get this far through it when we started.
It's got me thinking about my gaming white whales.
I'd love to get to play #VampireTheMasquerade again at some point, but more likely, I'll be running #VampireTheRequiem
I'd love to go back and run some #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons modules like the #Dragonlance #WarOfTheLance or the original #Ravenloft or things like that using #ADD2e or #CastlesAndCrusades.
A Castrovel Adventure: Part 5, Chapter 55
In which Lady Vaeol readies for the gametrial under Heaventide’s omen.
Just a little story from a #ponyfinder #pathfinder #ttrpg