Cozily reflecting while enjoying tea and chocolate. My 2024 art year in review: with links to each piece featured and a bunch of thoughts on the creative journey this past year.
Cozily reflecting while enjoying tea and chocolate. My 2024 art year in review: with links to each piece featured and a bunch of thoughts on the creative journey this past year.
I think I may be addicted to wigs now. It's so much easier than going and getting my hair bleached, dyed, etc.
Today is for MAKING ART and then later, a movie or Six Feet Under.
What're *your* plans for today, horror peeps & assorted weirdos (complimentary)?
#selfie #WigsAreAwesome #Saturday #MakingArt
I'm close to finishing "fight / flight" part 5 (final part of this short story in my giant #YuYuHakusho historical prequel fanseries) and realized I never shared part 3 behind the scenes here, nor posted the part 4 one. There are thumbnails, sketches, some character designs, and commentary!
Pt 3 WIPs
Pt 4 WIPs
About North Bound:
Easing into the end of 2023 reflections.
Links to each piece, along with thoughts on my creative and #Buddhist practice over the course of this year:
Right! As of last night, 41 strips flatted + lettered, I got the conversation to a good breaking point, we're ending it there. It even wraps up at just the right time to insert some Christmas/New Year's filler before the start of the next one.
Another 3 strips' worth of inked panels are either getting cut, or punted to Part 2. I also cut some setup for issues that haven't been resolved, so the setup and the resolution can all happen together in Part 2.
Now to spend the rest of the weekend on shading + FX like my life depends on it.
Just posted the behind-the-scenes process post for part 3 of "fight / flight" with commentary on things I changed/learned/resigned myself to.
So much blood, so much Hokushin getting flung about. Also so many inconsistencies from forgetting injuries sustained page to page, accidentally missing them, and then having to go back to throw more blood/cuts/scratches on people. Phew!
I made a blog post! It's a bit long, it's all part of my personal agenda to encourage people to explore making art at home.
Titled: This is why you should make art (while listening to audiobooks).
The 4yo's artistic production of the day
And here's a toast to breaking the silly generational traumas, silencing the voices in our heads that tell us not to "waste"... Paint, canvases, or time, or make anything that can't be justified by the prospect of financial gains
Break the cycle, use all the paint, run out of materials, and do it just for you, just because you have fun
Here are the little treats I got myself.
I may be somewhat inordinately excited about it, but honestly, it is THRILLING to me to have mechanical pencils with different-sized leads About to go use all these fun things!!
And here's the behind-the-scenes process post for part 2 of "fight / flight". This includes thumbnails, rough sketches underlying each finished page, and thoughts on what I learned and things I changed working through something I rarely draw... action/fight sequences. Also some #YuYuHakusho commentary!
Working through the next #YuYuHakusho North Bound fancomic I always find it fun and interesting to see how other artists work "behind the scenes", so here's a peek at my progress! It's also helpful for future me to remind myself that the slog is a natural part of the process, haha. These were originally shared on instagram stories.
If you're curious about the actual story, you can check it out here!
Every December I put together a little #ArtYearInReview with an #illustration from each month and some reflections. It's a lot of fun to look back and see this summary, and it tends to turn into a philosophical #YearInReview, which makes sense since #MakingArt is a huge part of my philosophy and #Buddhist practice.
Links to each full illustration and full thoughts at