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De accounts met #ikeahacks, de #funnydog filmpjes, de razendsnelle #vegansandwich en alles over #underconsumption en #personalstyle... Ik kan ze niet vinden op #PIXELFED.
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3D Printing: IKEA PS Endcaps
I put 2 of my IKEA PS cabinets on top of each other. To do this, I sawed off the legs of the top cabinet. Because I had done another project with the cabinet some time ago, I had of course wasted the end caps and needed new ones quickly. So I just designed a few replacement caps. Maybe someone else can use them, they fit all square tubes with an inner diameter of 17.5 mm and an outer diameter of 20 mm.
The endcaps at thingisverse. #IKEA #IKEAhacks #3dPrinting
@3dprinting It took the entire day, like 12 hours, just to model this power supply cover. It doesn't look that hard, but it took a long time to collapse the infinite possibilities down to this one. It's on the printer now; I'll see if it fits in an hour.
@3dprinting I plan to put the printer's power supply outside the enclosure attached to one table leg. The bottom of the power supply will fit into a cradle, and a cap will slide down over the top of the PS to keep it stable. To remove, I'll just slide the top up and lift the PS out.
@3dprinting I am still working on the printer enclosure when I'm not traveling. Today I made a test piece that slides along an IKEA LACK leg. I put steel dowel pins on two sides for a tight but low-friction fit. It works better than expected.
Oh, that will work. Now we can apply a test texture (or I could have used a decal, I know) to the outside to get a sense of how it might look to install art on a standard night stand. #unreal #IKEA #IkeaHacks
@3dprinting ??? This was supposed to be a video. It looks like I just uploaded a still.
@3dprinting I've solved the problem of mounting LEDs to the underside of the LACK table in my printer enclosure. I'm very happy with the result.
@3dprinting Now that we know where the solid parts are inside the table, we see that most of the screws in Prusa's enclosure design are screwed into air. Hmmm...
(Source: )
@3dprinting Calling it wood was far too generous. As I expected, there's a block of sawdust-glue porridge in the corner just slightly bigger than the leg. It's hard to measure in there, but it looks like it extends about 60mm from each table edge. When I drill the hole for the cable, I can get a better measurement.
@3dprinting I suspect most of you, like me, get to see the insides of IKEA furniture far too rarely. So here's a LACK table undergoing surgery.
Now I'm trying to excavate out to the corner to find out how much wood is there for the legs. I want to run a cable in next to the leg and hide it inside...
As promised, there's just a little #gridfinity storage under the lid.
It's about time to stop pushing pixels and start melting filament. I think this is at least a week of print time and about three Kg of PETG, if I get everything right on the first try. Which I won't.
IKEA’s Billy Bookshelf is a Useful 3D Printing Enclosure - The results from your 3D printer may be improved if you use a dedicated enclosure ... - #3dprinterhacks #3dprinting #3dprinter #ikeahacks #ikea
Hacking the IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD LED Wall Lamp - The IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD is a pixel-style LED wall lamp that comes with a few baked-in ... - #homehacks #ikeahacks #pixellamp #ledhacks #ledpanel #esp32
Laser Cut Clips Save A Lamp From The Trash - Ikea have been known for years as a purveyor of inexpensive yet stylish homewares... - #repairhacks #homehacks #ikeahacks #ikealamp #lasercut #petg