Happy Easter to those who celebrate and Happy Bunny, Spring and Chocolate day to those that do not.
I keep seeing videos on insta of people drawing with the mirror function on, so this is using affinity photo studio.
Trying to save your life in this world—a life that can’t possibly last—you miss out on real life. But losing your life in this world is no loss at all. Instead, when we give up this temporary life for Jesus we find life eternal through Him, with Him, and in Him. #jesus #easter #easter2024 #bible #church #resurrection
[BREAKING NEWS] An AMIGA demo programmer was seen outside the REVISION 2024 hall. He was exhibiting quite strange behavior.
It was the night before easter ...
#bunny #dollmaker #easter #easter2024 #easterbunny #peeps #marshmellowpeeps #easterworkshop #easterbunnycookies #horrorart #eerie #creepy #antique #antiquedolls #aiphotography
I used to make a webcomic at the dawn of the internet. #webcomic #easter2024
He is Risen, Hallelujah!
A very Happy Easter to all!
Here is a medallion conveying Easter in an image.
Happy Peak Chocolate Weekend
to you all #Easter2024
Whatever you're doing , Wherever you're doing it , Whoever you're doing it with, Enjoy the long weekend
#bryanferry #easter2024 #EasterWeekend #music #EasterWeekend
It is fitting that April Fools Day is immediately after Easter.
"Jesus Christ rose from the dead! Psych! April fools you suckers!"