Watched Deadstream. OMG I loved it! Horror comedy has always been a favorite genre. I 100% recommend!
#horror #moviewatching #deadstream
Watched Deadstream. OMG I loved it! Horror comedy has always been a favorite genre. I 100% recommend!
#horror #moviewatching #deadstream
Just got this email from Fright Rags and I am very excited about this! I freaking loved this movie so much. I will be ordering probably a couple of these shirts. #deadstream #frightrags #horror #horrorfam #mutantfam
Sorry the picture is so damn long. Keep scrolling, baby! I have some difficulty reading text on my TV (it often involves constantly shifting my glasses), but that’s definitely been part of the issue.
I think I’ll need to watch this one on my phone or computer. I had to do that with #DeadStream and #Dashcam. But those require almost constant reading.
100 Years of Horror: Tournament
Select up to 3 of movies to represent this decade. You may vote for movies not on the list:
#Horrorofthe2020s :
#horromovies #horrorstories #horrorfiction #horror #art #horrorcommunity #horrorfam #mutantfam #filmcritic #Film #movies
@grryboy @LukeySixx @MevsMatze
My 2020s highlights
#HisHouse (2020)
#TheNightHouse (2020)
#ScareMe (2020)
#ImThinkingAboutEndingThings (2020)
#Men (2022)
#Host (2020)
#Lamb (2021)
#LastNightInSoho (2021)
#X (2022)
#Spontaneous (2020)
#SpeakNoEvil (2022)
#Nope (2022)
#Sissy (2022)
#TheInnocents (2021)
#Deadstream (2022)
#Hellbender (2021)
#YouWontBeAlone (2022)
#Malignant (2021)
#Babarian (2022)
#MyHeartCantBeatUnlessYouTellItTo (2020)
#Lucky (2020)
#ComeTrue (2020)
#TheBoyBehindTheDoor (2020)
@LukeySixx @YayForThat @MevsMatze
#Hellraiser (2022)
#Barbarian (2022)
#Pearl (2022)
#Terrifier2 (2022)
#Nope (2022)
#Scream (2022)
#DeadStream (2022)
#Grimcutty (2022)
#Candyman (2021)
#Incantation (2022)
#WillysWonderland (2021)
#Host (2020)
#ScrryGrry Reviews:
#DeadStream (2022)
This film is #Shudder original, in the #foundfootage sub-genre. It’s about an obnoxious content creator attempting to come back after posting a video which nearly ends his career. We're meant to guess as to the contents; whatever the case, all of his content has been demonetized, his sponsors have fled, and many of his followers have left. 1/3
Where my people at?
#books #hiking #neurodiverse #squirrel #mysteries #podcasts #whovian #sandman #transmetropolitan #tarot #cartomancy #feminist #mmorpg #cats #witchy #whodunnit #thegoodplace #schittscreek #onlymurdersinthebuilding #plainbadheroines #thispoisonheart #kingdomofthewicked #thenightcircus #trulydevious #loopeaeplugs #horror #HorrorMovies #trickrtreat #deadstream #readyornot #NoOneLives #yourenext #creepy #gardening #napping #playingcards #orchids #plantmom #meditation #pescatarian