Any baseball fans here?
My cousins & I grew up with stories, photos & newspaper clippings in a photo album of the 1970s Portland Mavericks, all collected by a huge fan of theirs.
We admired their love of the game, their moxie, and their playfulness with the fans.
If you've seen 'The Battered Bastards of Baseball', you'll understand. If you haven't seen it, do, really.. it's that delightful a true story.
If you're looking for the whimsy, love of baseball, and community spirit in today's day and age....
Banana Shenanigans! They go all in on their playfulness, and I love them for it.
Shohei Ohtani was the center of attention on Saturday at Tokyo Dome and, as usual, the Dodgers superstar didn't disappoint. #baseball #losangelesdodgers #shoheiohtani #yomiurigiants #shoseitogo
Seiya Suzuki, who left Japanese baseball four years ago to embark on a career in MLB, felt the nostalgia creep in at times as he played at Tokyo Dome wearing an MLB uniform for the first time. #baseball #mlb #seiyasuzuki #chicagocubs #hiroshimacarp #hanshintigers
#baseball #fubonguardians win! Walk off hit! 5-6. #cpbl
Seiya Suzuki got the cheers, but Hanshin got the win as the Tigers shut out the Cubs in an exhibition game Saturday in Tokyo. #baseball #seiyasuzuki #chicagocubs #hanshintigers
#fubonguardians 場內全壘打!!! (ok, it was triple+error but... ) #cpbl #baseball
#baseball In the meanwhile Lions vs Guardians just began, with the second already on the board. As usual, Elda doesn't show the game on one of.the first 4 channels, making it impossible to watch it for.many fans. With the Guardians it is always like this, fuck you Elda! At least the game is aired on YouTube's Elda. #cpbl
Shota Imanaga and Seiya Suzuki are not the only Chicago Cubs who know their way around Japan. Former Fukuoka Softbank Hawks pitcher Colin Rea is also returning to the country for the Tokyo Series. #baseball #colinrea #chicagocubs #fukuokasoftbankhawks #tokyoseries