And our #FridayThrillerClub leading ladies are Viveca Lindfors and Mili Avital
#Stargate #VivecaLindfors #MiliAvital #scifi #90smovies
And our #FridayThrillerClub leading ladies are Viveca Lindfors and Mili Avital
#Stargate #VivecaLindfors #MiliAvital #scifi #90smovies
Our #FridayThrillerClub leading men this week are Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson and John Diehl
#Stargate #KurtRussell #JamesSpader #JayeDavidson #JohnDiehl #scifi #90smovies
Posters for “Stargate” from The USA, South Korea, Japan and France
#FridayThrillerClub #Stargate #scifi #90smovies
And our #WestWed leading men this week are Russell Crowe, Lance Henriksen, Leonardo Di Caprio, and the very missed Gene Hackman
#TheQuickAndTheDead #RussellCrowe #LanceHenriksen #LeonardoDiCaprio #GeneHackman #RIPGeneHackman #90smovies
This week’s #WestWed leading lady is Sharon Stone
#TheQuickAndTheDead #SharonStone #90smovies
Posters for “The Quick and The Dead” from The USA, Japan, Finland and South Korea
#WestWed #TheQuickAndTheDead #90smovies
Three Hollywood movies were released in 1995 with internet themes: the Keanu Reeves cyberpunk film Johnny Mnemonic (with an accompanying website), The Net with Sandra Bullock, and Hackers. As well as these 3 films, I look back at William Gibson's now extinct mid-90s website, "William Gibson’s Yardshow", and the equally lost to time Johnny Mnemonic net.hunt, an online scavenger hunt. #InternetHistory #90smovies
In 1998, Will Smith was one of Hollywood's most successful stars, thanks to "Men in Black" and "Independence Day." Yet he still wondered whether he was good enough to star with Gene Hackman in "Enemy of the State."
#GeneHackman #WillSmith #EnemyOfTheState #90s #90sMovies #1990s #1990sMovies #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
In 1998, Will Smith was one of Hollywood's most successful stars, thanks to "Men in Black" and "Independence Day." Yet he still wondered whether he was good enough to star with Gene Hackman in "Enemy of the State."
Reese Witherspoon reflected on how the elite high school setting in "Cruel Intentions" was nothing like her own teen years. Discover how director Roger Kumble guided her through the film's privileged, cutthroat world.
#CruelIntentions #ReeseWitherspoon #RogerKumble #SarahMichelleGellar #RyanPhillippe #SelmaBlair #90sMovies #TeenDrama #CultClassic #LesLiaisonsDangereuses #90s #1990s #1990sMovies #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities
Tonight’s #CultShelf leading men are Dan Ackroyd and the recently departed Gene Hackman, who will be very missed
#LooseCannons #DanAckroyd #GeneHackman #90smovies #RIPGeneHHackman
Here for “Loose Cannons”
#CultShelf #RIPGeneHackman #LooseCannons #90smovies
Posters for “Tough and Deadly” from The USA, France, Poland and The United Kigndom
#MondayActionMovie #ToughAndDeadly #90smovies
Here for “Get Shorty”
#Catitstu #RIPGeneHackman #90smovies #FilmNoir
Finally watching Breakfast of Champions (1999) today (and in high quality!) thanks to this drive @wendigo sent me. About time I did, too, it's my favorite Vonnegut book. Dark. Weird. Fantastic. Didn't even know there was a movie til recently. Has Bruce Willis and Nick Nolte. Wild.
Discover why Drew Barrymore’s Never Been Kissed remains a heartfelt classic, blending high school chaos, humor, and the sweet hope of second chances.
#DrewBarrymore #NeverBeenKissed #90s #90sMovies #1990s #1990sMovies #RomCom #Rom-Com #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
Christian Slater reveals how Hard Rain blends thrilling action with deep character drama and unpredictable twists. Discover why this cult classic still makes waves!
#HardRain #ChristianSlater #MorganFreeman #MinnieDriver #CultClassic #90s #90sMovies #1990s #1990sMovies #Movies #MovieNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #Celebrity #CelebrityNews #CelebrityInterviews
And of course, our #FridayThrillerClub leading men are Steve Buscemi, Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Will Patton, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Owen Wilson #Armageddon #SteveBuscemi #BruceWillis, #BenAffleck #WillPatton #MichaelClarkeDuncan #OwenWilson #90smovies
This week’s #FridayThrillerClub leading lady is Liv Tyler (also pictured is Ben Affleck)
#Armageddon #LivTyler #90smovies
Here for “Armageddon”
#FridayThrillerClub #Armageddon #scifi #90smovies