#NowPlaying #8TrackTuesday #8Track #LittleRichard
The Girl Can't Help It
#NowPlaying #DeadFormats #8TrackTuesday #8TrackTape #8Track
What kinda showroom dummy misspells #Kraftwerk?
Nope this isn't actually an #8Track - rather, it's the late-60s #2Track rival format that never caught on: the #Playtape. A shorter tape length meant these would only hold abbreviated album or EP-length recordings. I've only ever seen a few in the wild, but Wiki tells me over 3,000 artists once published in this format.
#NowPlaying #8Track #8TrackCartridge #8TrackTuesday
A late 90's snapshot of the fabled "suitcase": a collection of #8TrackTapes that would soundtrack my visits to see surrogate hippie parents J & S, who still reside somewhere deep in the heart of the TX hill country. Man, did they ever love their #RokyErikson!
#8TrackCartridge #8TrackTape #8TrackTuesday
Before Seri! Before Google! Before Ask Jeeves! We had
*GENERAL INFORMATION* #8Track cartridges
(presumably with which to man-splain your way through the 1973 oil crisis and beyond)
My younger coworker was surprised that I still have my childhood 8-track player and that it's in working order. My #8track player:
Two years ago, I was pulling out the few remaining wisps of hair I had - respooling tape, fixing kit, swearing - a lot.
Lining up the next round now… must be bonkers
Good morning.
15 June 2024
I bought my first 8-track tape player mounted it under the dash of my 1950 Chevy truck. When I would drive, it would shake up and down, but it worked. Hmmm ... I don't recall what I did for speakers, I must have installed speakers somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised to remember that I just laid them behind the seat, honestly, though I don't remember. I was pretty handy with installing electronics in cars back then nothing fancy, just make it work. I also installed a tachometer on the steering shaft of the truck using two large hose clamps. I didn't need a tachometer, but I thought it looked cool.
"I find people interesting. People trying hard are interesting. People with a passion are interesting - whether it's old cars or taxidermy or knitting." - Clare Balding
Humanity lost something when we stopped designing devices that look like this Weltron 2001 8 track player/radio from 1972
Have you ever wanted to listen to someone running a mangled 8-track cartridge through a partially repaired player, so you can listen to Genesis perform "Return of the Giant Hogweed" live in 1973 with a fadeout/in part of the way through due to the format? Then for you my friend THE WAIT IS OVER!
'Wabi-sabi: A Japanese aesthetic centered on transience & imperfection.'
If online auction sites are anything to go by, no music formats were looked after as badly as 8-track cartridges. Suffice it say, they haven't aged well.
But I've started finding their faded, ripped, patinated packaging/artwork quite aesthetic. I'm not sure I'll convince you, but here's a thread anyway...
#music #8track #aesthetic #defunctTech
S T O K E S A U C E @ 0000 UTC on Tuesday, 9 May 2023
I look forward to seeing you all in COM for the one and only Stokesauce Radio Show!
Known to cure ill’s and correct musical imbalance only on #sdf #anonradio #stokesauce @SDF
#indiemusic #8track #reeltoreel #analog @adamd @claudiom @tallship @jamesp @screwtape #underground @snowdusk @publius @screwtape #indieradio #froggyme @gemlog @smj
Please invite your friends.
The Beatles "Rarities" album (US version) came out today in 1980. I was too young to buy it at the time, but did borrow it a few times (on vinyl) from the local public library. Here it is on 8-Track. New enough to have a barcode on it!
Despite being a tape obsessed weirdo, somehow I didn't own any blank 8 tracks. So I decided to fix that.