How about this? For every like I receive on this toot, I will mention one thing I think is cool.
Get to know me here on the #fediverse. I am more than just a talented shitposter.
Comment if you have specific things you're curious about.
#TheToxicAvengerPart2 is a wild ass movie and really weird that goes to #Japan for whatever reason, but I like it a lot.
Probably because it feels like a live action cartoon.
I like watching my wife play #Splatoon. She gets super intense with it and it tickles me.
I really enjoy #GoodMythicalMorning and when it goes on break I notice it's absence because my morning ritual is usually a cup of coffee and a new episode - this week has felt weird without it in the morning.
The YouTube channel Mossy Earth does cool environmental reclamation videos I like.
My cat has taken to waking me up for a refill of her food in the morning and makes for a better alarm clock than my phone.
I find her urgency adorable - she acts like she has an empty bowl.
I like getting reply guys in my posts who could confirm what I say with a simple web search but instead pretend to be obtuse and ask me to spoon-feed them info.
It creates a public record of me being right *and* helpful to outside observers.
I really like #SecretInvasion so far and I hope more people watch it. It is a fun spy show among superhero projects.
Every time my cat grabs my arm and does bunny kicks on me I laugh my ass off.
I am always delighted to see Ron Livingston in just about anything.
My absolute favorite soda is Mountain Dew Baja Blast.
I tend to wear out a lot of clothes until they are threadbare - mostly because I tend to not have a ton of money to replace them. I still love my #RacerX shirt I found at a #thriftStore in my early 20s.
I still have my two #Incredibles shirts from when the first movie came out as well.
I have been able to find cheap cartons of cold brew for like... $2. Mix some of that with some water and a smidgen of hazelnut creamer over ice in my metal mug, and I am pretty much set.
I miss #Miiverse.
Bring it back.
I always prefer short bursts of sleep with periodic wakeful periods to putter around. I feel like I have settled into how I will end up sleeping as an old man. Which is fine by me.
I am a huge #history buff and literally found myself at a crossroads to either pursue an MA in history or English.
I chose English but tend to incorporate history into my classes regardless. Context is king, baby.
I am currently debating three possible tattoos designs but have not committed to one yet. I want to get a #tattoo, but picking my first one has been tough.
I spend a lot of time watching #YouTube videos about books. Right now I really like the channel Quinn's Ideas:
Watching his latest video on #Neruomancer
My wife bought some sort of melon flavoring at a Japanese import store and a couple squirts of that in some ice water is incredibly refreshing.
I really enjoyed my time at the #Dodgers game yesterday. It was a great game to have as my first MLB game.
I have two kids with a roughly 10 year separation in age.
I too get excited about Cheese and crackers and my knees do creak. But WW2 docs aren’t a thing for me
@OgieOgilthorpe I ended up becoming a military history nerd and I blame every single father figure in my life.
I guess I regressed. Because I’m into DND and Table Top games.
@OgieOgilthorpe always fun. I want to do more of that myself.
Recently, all my military history stuff has been research for my webcomic. I want to do some historical.parallels so I am looking at iconic battles to translate into sci-fi.
@hpkomic are the designs from the same artist or are you taking the designs to an artist?
@MicMacPattiwack I am just trying to decide on the pictures, really, haven't even really considered who would put the ink on me
@hpkomic I’d say my general advice is to get what you want—it’s your money and your body. Pick whatever looks the coolest and just send it.
One angle to consider though is that tattoo artists are artists—and unless it’s a realism piece they typically aren’t stoked just being asked to be human printers.
Again, you should always just get what you want but I always found my favorite tattoos came from just letting the artist cook what they felt like that day.
@hpkomic last unsolicited advice: if you can’t decide between 3 choices, take those 3 to an artist whose style you like that you found online or on Instagram, see how they react to each or if they get excited about one or the other and then bam… you get what you want and they also are excited to do it. Sometimes they can help you make a decision as well. For example placement, the look of it, the color, etc.